Instructions for abstracts
Prepare an abstract of maximum 300 words for your talk/poster. Please follow the text style instructions in the enclosed abstract template
- Plant responses to stress
- Animal and plant genomics
- Plant synthetic biology and metabolic engineering
- Plant development and signal transduction
Instructions for posters
Posters must have size A0 (the size of 120 cm height x 90 cm large cannot be exceeded) and be written in English.
A poster should be self‐explanatory and give the essentials of your work. Do not overload it with findings or text. Keep sentences short and clear. Arrows or numbers should indicate the order of the panels.
A poster should be readable from a distance of one meter.
In the preparation of a poster, please:
• Keep the content to a minimum
• Avoid the use of a large amount of text
• Use large lettering, structures, tables, etc…
• Use colour to highlight important points
• Be careful that the background does not detract from legibility
Prepare a short oral explanation for your poster that does not exceed 3 minutes length. It should guide the spectator through your results. Posters with preliminary results or just your intended line of work are also welcome. The ACYR2025 is focused on showing young scientists work at Research Institutions and Universities and creating closer ties among the participants.
Instructions for Oral Communications
The talks must last between 10‐15 minutes.
Please consider that some colleagues from abroad may also be at the congress and that English must be used in the presentations.
Slides must be prepared as PowerPoint presentations (ppt or pptx extension).
USB Mass Storage Devices are preferred. Speakers must give their USB Device to the organizers earlier in the same morning of the presentation, so that Slides can be uploaded and conveniently prepared before oral communication.
When preparing your Oral Communication, please:
• Keep the amount of information on each slide to a minimum
• Make the text, structures, and tables, etc. of a size such that they can be easily viewed from the rear of the auditorium
• Choose colours, especially in PowerPoint slides, that are bold and do not clash
• Choose backgrounds that do not reduce legibility through poor contrast
For each talk the ACYR 2025 Organization Committee will choose a chairman that will:
• Introduce the speaker to the audience (name, group of research, topic of the talk)
• Help the speaker with the time (warn him/her when 3 minutes are left to the end of time)
• Ask for questions to the audience after the talk
• Ask him/herself an appropriate question in case nobody asks
• Make sure that the time for the questions does not exceed 10 minutes